Tuesday 29 June 2010

Pancakes and Sleepovers

A few weeks ago I happened to randomly sleep over at a friend's house. Onlookers (mainly my other friends) thought it was weird because this friend is in grade 9 (freshman) and I was in grade 12 (senior) and it kind of made me realize how much snap judgments can affect our lives.
This friend, although 4 years younger than me, is a great friend and is a lot of fun. Plus it was nice to be hanging out with someone who wasn't pre-occupied with the IB and stressing about final exams. For once this year I got to act like a kid again and have some actual fun.
Anywho, in the morning we made pancakes from scratch without a recipe and although not using a recipe can be dangerous at times, they were AMAZING!
So basically the moral of the story is the tale that has stood the test of time and has become a complete cliché "don't judge a book by its cover".
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