Monday, 3 May 2010

What would you like? Studying with a side of "Chatch 22" please miss

When you've spent all day studying for a big whamo philosophy exam that is to take place in less than 24 hours, the perfect cure is a touch of Josef Heller. To go from pouring over Descartes' Meditations and delving into the infinite realms of meta-ethics the life and times of Yossarian and the boys seems a welcomed relief.

Now some would say that Catch 22 is not exactly a relaxing read what with all the names and descriptions of countless characters. However, I would say to these people that it has significant upsides to it when compared to the musings of Nietzsche.
I would also say that my head is about ready to explode or melt or something to that effect as there is no room left and I fear that the more I try to cram inside it, the more leaks out of my ears (a disgusting image I know but that is what it has come to).
I just know that my final goal is ROYAL HOLLOWAY!! and so I have decided that I can live with my brain ceasing to exist right in front of me as long as I can get there.
p.s. if you are one of the unfortunate people in the world who happen to be doing the IB. I feel your pain and I wish you the best of luck.

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